Keep the lake clean and weed free

Everyone can help look after Lake Taupō’s water quality by being careful about what they put into the stormwater drains. Stormwater is not fully treated and some drains straight into the lake, or into rivers and streams that flow into the lake. Taupō District Council aims to reduce pollutants going into the lake, local rivers and streams through stormwater drains.

Boat owners also need to carefully wash down boat keels, motors and trailers before putting vessels into Lake Taupō. This reduces the risk of introducing freshwater weeds. Boat owners must also not discharge boat sewage directly into the lake and should have holding tanks for shore disposal of effluent. There are facilities to empty holding tanks at a number of wharfs and marinas around the lake.

If boats have seam leaks or loose stern glands, oily bilge water often dribbles into the lake. Automatic bilge pumps can release dirty water directly into the lake. To prevent these problems, boaties need to keep boat bilges clean and dry and ensure they dispose of rubbish and sewage onshore.

Don’t forget

  • Don’t put everyday household or industrial products such as used oil, paint, pesticides, detergents or disinfectants, toilet cleaner, dairy products, fats and edible oils, down stormwater drains.
  • Wash your car on the lawn so that soapy water soaks into the ground.
  • Clean up chemical spills around the home by soaking up the mess.
  • Take unused paint and domestic garden sprays to recycling centres.
  • Use rubbish bins for your litter.
  • Boat owners should dispose of rubbish and sewage onshore, wash boat keels, motors and trailers carefully to remove water weeds and maintain bilge pumps to reduce oil leaks.
  • Boat owners must also not discharge boat sewage directly into the lake and should have holding tanks for shore disposal of effluent.